The Games We Play

Or don't play any more. The boards and cards change, as do the faces around the table. The notes and replacement pieces in the boxes testify to all the games we played and the memories we created. We played Battleship and Guess Who? But those games could never be enough. We were never just two... Continue Reading →

Write my heart out

I've decided that I am going to start some long term writing projects this year. Yes, this blog is one of them and one I am still working to be better at. However, I am choosing to be optimistic about keeping to some new commitments.  I am of course assuming that if I outline my... Continue Reading →

Weekly Post: November and Writing

Every November I attempt to complete the National Novel Writing Month challenge of 50'000 words. This post is not about how to complete it. It is literally my 5th attempt at doing so. While, I will say I have improved each year, it is nowhere near bragging about. This post is about redeclaring my commitment. ... Continue Reading →

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